Use the following persistent identifier:
AALM = Atti dell ’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
AAntH = Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
AC = Acta Classica
AJP = American Journal of Philology
AnnCagl = Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Cagliari
BLS = Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society
BSL = Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris
CA = Classical Antiquity
CJ = Classical Journal
CP = Classical Philology
CQ = Classical Quarterly
CW = Classical World
DELG = P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque (Paris: Klincksieck, 1968-80)
DLL = E. Laroche, Dictionnaire de la langue louvite (Paris: Maissonneuve, 1959)
EC = Études Celtiques
EIL = G. Murphy, ed., 3 Early Irish Lyrics: Eighth to Twelfth Century (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1956)
GB = Gräzer Beiträge
Gl = Glotta
GRBS = Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies
HSCP = Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
IEW = J. Pokorny, Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (Bern:Francke, 1959)
IF = Indogermanische Forschungen
JHS = Journal of Hellenic Studies
JIES = Journal of Indo-European Studies
KZ = Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der indogermanischen Sprachen
LAC = L’Antiquité Classique
LCM = Liverpool Classical Monthly
LEC = Les Études Classiques
LfgrE = B. Snell and H. Erbse, eds., Lexikon des frühgriechischen Epos. (Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 1955-)
LSJ = H. Liddell R. Scott and H. S. Jones, A Greek English Lexicon, 9th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1940)
MSS = Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft
PBA = Publications of the British Academy
PCPhS = Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society
PMLA = Publications of the Modern Language Association
REG = Revue des Études Grecques
RHA = Revue Hittite et Asianique
RhM = Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
TAPA = Transactions of the American Philological Association
TPS = Transactions of the Philological Society
UCPCP = University of California Publications in Classical Philology
WJA = Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft
YCS = Yale Classical Studies
ZCP = Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie