The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry

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Addenda, 1999


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PPNagy 1996

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[&] indicates an updated version of an entry listed in the 1979 Bibliography.

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Bakker, E. J. 1997. Poetry in Speech: Orality and Homeric Discourse. Ithaca. See 21 on the hermeneutic model of Panhellenism; also 146–148 on formula and meter.

Becker, A. S. 1995. A Rhetoric and Poetics of Early Greek Ekphrasis: Theory, Philology, and the Shield of Achilles. Lanham, MD.

[&] Berthiaume, G. 1982. Les rôles du “mageiros”: Etude sur la boucherie, la cuisine et le sacrifice dans la Grèce ancienne. Leiden.

Biaise, F., P. Judet de La Combe, and P. Rousseau, eds. 1996. Le métier du mythe: Lectures d’Hésiode. Paris. Features extensive analyses of the Hesiodic myth of the five generations of humankind.

Burgess, J. 1996. “The Non-Homeric Cypria.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 126: 77–99.

Calame, C. 1986. Le récit en Grèce ancienne. Paris.

———. 1995. The Craft of Poetic Speech in Ancient Greece. Trans. J. Orion. Ithaca. English translation of Calame 1986.

Carter, J. B. 1995. “Ancestor Cult and the Occasion of Homeric Performance.” In Carter and Morris 1995: 285–312. Argues persuasively for Homeric compositional elements that predate the eighth century B.C.

Carter, J. B., and S. P. Morris, eds. 1995. The Ages of Homer: A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule. Austin.

Caswell, C. P. 1990. A Study of Thumos in Early Greek Epic. Leiden.

[&] Chantraine, P. 1968–1980. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. 4 vols. Paris.

Clark, M. 1997. Out of Line: Homeric Composition Beyond the Hexameter. Lanham, MD.

Clauss, J. J. 1993. The Best of the Argonauts: The Redefinition of the Epic Hero in Book 1 of Apollonius’s Argonautica. Berkeley.

Collins, D. 1998. Immortal Armor: The Concept of Alkë in Archaic Greek Poetry. Lanham, MD.

Cook, E. F. 1995. The Odyssey at Athens: Myths of Cultural Origins. Ithaca.

Crane, G. 1988. Calypso: Backgrounds and Conventions of the Odyssey. Frankfurt.

Crotty, K. 1994. The Poetics of Supplication: Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Ithaca.

Davidson, 0. M. 1994. Poet and Hero in the Persian Book of Kings. Ithaca.

[&] Detienne, M. 1993. Les Maîtres de vérité en Grèce archaïque. 3rd ed. Paris. See especially 18 on the poetics of praise and blame.

———. 1996. The Masters of Truth in Archaic Greece. Trans. J. Lloyd. New York. See especially 25.

Dougherty, C., and L. Kurke, eds. 1993. Cultural Poetics in Archaic Greece: Cult, Performance, Politics. Cambridge.

Dumézil, G. 1982. Apollon sonore et autres essais: Vingt-cinq esquisses de mythologie. Paris. See 58 on the ritual antagonism between Apollo and Achilles.

Easterling, P. E. 1989. “Agamemnon’s sképtron in the Iliad!” In Images of Authority: Papers presented to Joyce Reynolds on the occasion of her 70th birthday (Cambridge Philological Society, Supplementary Volume 16), ed. M. M. Mackenzie and C. Roueché, 104–121. Cambridge.

[&] Edmunds, S. T. 1990. Homeric Nêpios. New York.

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———. 1985b. “Achilles in the Underworld: Iliad, Odyssey, and Aithiopis.” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 26: 215–227.

———. 1988. “ΚΛΕΟΣ ΑΦΘΙΤΟΝ and Oral Theory.” Classical Quarterly 38: 25–30.

Finkelberg, M. 1988. “Ajax’s Entry in the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women.” Classical Quarterly 38: 31–41.

Flueckiger, J. 1996. Gender and Genre in the Folklore of Middle India. Ithaca.

Gentili, B. 1985. Poesia epubblico nella Grecia antica: Da Omero al V secolo. Rome. = Poetry and Its Public in Ancient Greece: From Homer to the Fifth Century. Trans. A. T. Cole. Baltimore, 1988.

Gnoli, G., and Vemant, J.-R, eds. 1982. La mort, les morts dans les sociétés anciennes. Cambridge.

Goldhill, S. 1991. The Poet’s Voice: Essays on Poetics and Greek Literature. Cambridge.

Griffin, J. 1995. Homer, Iliad Book Nine. Oxford. Presents arguments against my interpretations of the “embassy scene” in Iliad IX. For counter-arguments, see HQ 138–145.

Haft, A. J. “The City-Sacker Odysseus.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 120: 37–56.

Hainsworth, B. 1991. The Idea of Epic. Berkeley. See 156 on the hermeneutic model of Panhellenism in the formation of Greek epic; 163 on blame poetry.

Hainsworth, J. B., and Hatto, A. T., eds. 1989. Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry. Vol. II, Characteristics and Techniques. London.

Higbie, C. 1995. Heroes’ Names, Homeric Identities. New York.

[&] Householder, F. W., and Nagy, G. 1972b. Greek: A Survey of Recent Work. The Hague.

Ivanov, V. V. 1993. “Origin, History and Meaning of the Term ‘Semiotics.’” Elementa: Journal of Slavic Studies and Comparative Cultural Semiotics 1: 115–143.

Jacopin, P.-Y. 1988. “Anthropological Dialectics: Yukuna Ritual as Defensive Strategy.” Schweizerische Amerikanisten-Gesellschaft Bulletin 52: 35–46.

Janko, R. 1982. Homer, Hesiod and the Hymns: Diachronic Development in Epic Diction. Cambridge.

———, ed. 1992. The Iliad: A Commentary. Vol. 4, Books 13–16. Cambridge. See 106 on the etymology of MENIS and on the name of Aeneas; 339 on THERAPON; 341 on the etymology of the name of Achilles; 345 on Thersites.

Jensen, M. Skafte. 1980. The Homeric Question and the Oral-Formulaic Theory. Copenhagen.

[&] Kelly, S. T. 1990. Homeric Correption and the Metrical Distinctions between Speeches and Narrative. New York.

Koenen, L. 1994. “Cyclic Destruction in Hesiod and the Catalogue of Women.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 124: 1–34. On the Hesiodic myth of the five generations of humankind.

Lefkowitz, M. R. 1981. The Lives of Greek Poets. Baltimore. For an alternative approach to the “vita” traditions of Greek poets see my references in the Foreward §7n5.

Leontis, A. 1995. Topographies of Hellenism: Mapping the Homeland. Ithaca. See 6n9, applying the hermeneutic model of Panhellenism “to a specifically modem pattem of administrative centralization and intellectual activity coordinated within the ideological framework of a national territory.”

Loraux, N. 1994. “Achille, le poète et les mots.” Foreword to Nagy 1994b: 9–17.

Lord, A. B. 1991. Epic Singers and Oral Tradition. Ithaca.

———. 1995. The Singer Resumes the Tale. Ed. M. L. Lord. Ithaca.

[&] Lowenstam, S. 1981. The Death of Patroklos: A Study in Typology. Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie 133. Königstein/Ts.

———. 1993. The Scepter and the Spear: Studies on Forms of Repetition in the Homeric Poems. Lanham, MD.

———. 1997. “Talking Vases: The Relationship between the Homeric Poems and Archaic Representations of Epic Myth.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 127: 21–76.

Lowry, E. R. 1991. Thersites: A Study in Comic Shame. New York.

Mackie, H. 1996. Talking Trojan: Speech and Community in the Iliad. Lanham, MD.

Martin, R. P. 1983. Healing, Sacrifice and Battle: Amêchania and Related Concepts in Early Greek Poetry. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 41. Innsbruck.

———. 1984. “Hesiod, Odysseus, and the Instruction of Princes.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 114: 29–48.

———. 1989. The Language of Heroes: Speech and Performance in the Iliad. Ithaca.

———. 1993. “The Seven Sages as Performers of Wisdom.” In Dougherty and Kurke 1993: 108–128.

[&] Masson, O. 1983. Les inscriptions chypriotes syllabiques. 2nd ed. Paris.

[&] Miller, A. M. 1986. From Delos to Delphi: A Literary Study of the Homeric Hymn to Apollo. Leiden.

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Moon, W. G., ed. 1983. Ancient Greek Art and Iconography. Madison, WI.

Morris, I. 1986. “The Use and Abuse of Homer.” Classical Antiquity 5: 81–136. 123 on the hermeneutic model of Panhellenism.

———. 1993. “Poetics of Power: The Interpretation of Ritual Action in Archaic Greece.” In Dougherty and Kurke 1993: 15–45. 35 on Panhellenism.

Morris, S. P. 1992. Daidalos and the Origins of Greek Art. Princeton.

———. 1995. “The Sacrifice of Astyanax: Near Eastern Contributions to the Siege of Troy.” In Carter and Morris 1995: 221–245.

Muellner, L. 1990. “The Simile of the Cranes and Pygmies: A Study of Homeric Metaphor.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 93: 59–101.

———. 1996. The Anger of Achilles: Mênis in Early Greek Epic. Ithaca.

Nagy, G. 1985. “Theognis and Megara: A Poet’s Vision of His City.” In Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis, ed. T. J. Figueira and G. Nagy, 22–81. Baltimore.

———. 1990. Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past. Baltimore. Revised paperback version 1994. Revised electronic version 1998.

[&] ———. 1990b. Greek Mythology and Poetics. Ithaca. Revised paperback version 1992. Ch.2 is a rewritten version of Nagy 1976b.

———. 1994. “The Name of Achilles: Questions of Etymology and ‘Folk Etymology’.” Illinois Classical Studies 19 (Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich, vol. 2): 3–9. The thematic connections of âkhos and Akhilleus in Homeric diction are thoroughly reexamined; 5 on combining methods of etymological and formulaic analysis; 7n23 on mênis, on which see also the comments below about Palmer 1979.

———. 1994b. Le meilleur des Achéens: La fabrique du héros dans la poésie grecque archaïque. Trans. J. Carlier and N. Loraux. Paris. A corrected version of The Best of the Achaeans (1979). See also Loraux 1994.

———. 1996. Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond. Cambridge.

———. 1996b. Homeric Questions. Austin.

———. 1997. “Ellipsis in Homer.” In Written Voices, Spoken Signs: Tradition, Performance, and the Epic Text, ed. E. Bakker and A. Kahane, 167–189, 253–257. Cambridge, MA.

———. 1997b. “The Shield of Achilles: Ends of the Iliad and Beginnings of the Polis.” In New Light on a Dark Age: Exploring the Culture of Geometric Greece, ed. S. Langdon, 194–207. Columbia, MO.

———. 1997c. “Homeric Scholia.” In A New Companion to Homer, ed. I. Morris and B. Powell, 101–122. Leiden.

———. 1997d. “An Inventory of Debatable Assumptions about a Homeric Question.” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 97–4–18.

———. 1998. “Is There an Etymology for the Dactylic Hexameter?” In Mir Curad: Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins, ed. J. Jasanoff, H. C. Melchert, and L. Oliver, 495–508. Innsbruck.

———. 1998b. “Aristarchean Questions.” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 98–07–04.

[&] Nagy, J. F. 1985. The Wisdom of the Outlaw: The Boyhood Deeds of Finn in Gaelic Narrative Tradition. Berkeley.

O’Brien, J. V. 1993. The Transformation of Hera: A Study of Ritual, Hero, and the Goddess in the Iliad. Lanham, MD.

Opland, J. 1989. “Xhosa: The Structure of Xhosa Eulogy and the Relation of Eulogy to Epic.” In Hainsworth and Halto 1989: 121–143.

Palmer, L. R. 1979. “A Mycenaean ‘Akhilleid’?” In Serta Philologica Aenipontana, Vol. 3. Ed. R. Muth and G. Pfohl. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft 20. 255–261. Palmer provides further evidence for the etymological connection of âkhos and Akhüleùs; 258 on my original discussion of mênis, with reference to Nagy 1976c: 211–212 (not mentioned by Watkins 1977; see also my rewritten version above in Ch.5§8n1 and n. 2, where I refer to the later discussion of Watkins 1977); see also s.v. Nagy 1994. For an update on mênis, see now Muellner 1996.

———.1980. The Greek Language. Atlantic Highlands, N.J. 37 and 98 on the name of Achilles.

Pelliccia, H. N. 1985. The Structure of the Archaic Greek Hymns. PhD diss., Yale University. See 185–186 on tote ‘then’ in Odyssey viii 81.

Petegorsky, D. 1982. Context and Evocation: Studies in Early Greek and Sanskrit Poetry. PhD diss., University of California at Berkeley. Reprinted by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.

Petropoulos, J. C. B. 1994. Heat and Lust: Hesiod’s Midsummer Festival Scene Revisited. Lanham, MD.

Pinney, G. F. 1983. “Achilles Lord of Scythia.” In Moon 1983: 127–146.

Pozzi, D. C., and Wickersham, J. M., eds. 1991. Myth and the Polis. Ithaca.

Pucci, P. 1979. “The Song of the Sirens.” Arethusa 12: 121–132.

———. 1987. Odysseus Polutropos: Intertextual Readings in the Odyssey and the Iliad. Ithaca.

———. 1995. Second edition of Pucci 1987, with a new afterword at 247–258.

———. 1998. The Song of the Sirens: Essays on Homer. Lanham, MD.

Rabel, R. J. 1990. “Apollo as a Model for Achilles in the Iliad.” American Journal of Philology 111: 429–440.

Raphals, L. 1992. Knowing Words: Wisdom and Cunning in the Classical Traditions of China and Greece. Ithaca.

Redfield, J. M. 1979. Foreword to the first edition of The Best of the Achaeans, vii–xiii.

Reichl, K. 1992. Turkic Oral Epic Poetry: Traditions, Forms, Poetic Structure. New York.

Reynolds, D. F. 1995. Heroic Poets, Poetic Heroes: An Ethnography of Performance in an Arabic Oral Epic Tradition. Ithaca.

Roth, C. P. 1990. “Mixed Aorists” in Homeric Greek. New York.

Rousseau, P. 1996. “Διός δ’ έτελείετο βουλή: Destin des héros et dessein de Zeus dans l’intrigue de l’Iliade.” Doctorat d’Etat thesis, Charles de Gaulle University-Lille III.

[&] Sacks, R. 1987. The Traditional Phrase in Homer: Two Studies in Form, Meaning and Interpretation. Leiden.

Saussure, F. de. 1972. Cours de linguistique générale. Critical ed. Ed. T. de Mauro. Paris.

Schein, S. L. 1984. The Mortal Hero: An Introduction to Homer’s Iliad. Berkeley.

Seaford, R. 1994. Reciprocity and Ritual: Homer and Tragedy in the Developing City-State. Oxford. See especially 144–154 on the evolutionary model for the making of Homeric poetry; also on Panhellenism.

Segal, C. 1983. “Kleos and Its Ironies in the Odyssey.” Antiquité Classique 52: 22–47. Rewritten as Ch.5 in Segal 1994.

———. 1994. Singers, Heroes, and Gods in the Odyssey. Ithaca.

Sherratt, E. S. 1990. “‘Reading the Texts’: Archaeology and the Homeric Question.” Antiquity 64: 807–824.

Sienkewicz, T. J. 1991. “The Greeks Are Indeed Like the Others: Myth and Society in the West African Sunjata.” In Pozzi and Wickersham 1991: 182–202.

[&] Sinos, D. S. 1980. Achilles, Patroklos, and the Meaning of Philos. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 29. Innsbruck.

Slatkin, L. M. 1987. “Genre and Generation in the Odyssey.” ΜΗΤΙΣ: Revue d’Anthropologie du Monde Grec Ancien 1: 259–268.

———. 1991. The Power of Thetis: Allusion and Interpretation in the Iliad. Berkeley.

Snodgrass, A. M. 1982. “Les origines du culte des héros dans la Grèce antique.” In Gnoli and Vemant 1982: 107–119.

———. 1987. An Archaeology of Greece: The Present State and Future Scope of a Discipline. Berkeley. See 160 on Panhellenism and hero-cults; 165 on the relationship of hero-cults and ancestor-worship.

Svenbro, J. 1988. Phrasikleia: Anthropologie de la lecture en Grèce ancienne. Paris.

———. 1993. Phrasikleia: An Anthropology of Reading in Ancient Greece. Ithica. Orig. pub as Phrasikleia: Anthropologie de la lecture en Grèce ancienne. Paris. 1988.

[&] Taylor, M. W. 1991. The Tyrant Slayers: The Heroic Image in Fifth Century b.c. Athenian Art and Politics. 2nd ed. Salem, NH.

Thalmann, W. G. 1984. Conventions of Form and Thought in Early Greek Epic Poetry. Baltimore.

[&] Vernant, J.-P. 1985. Mythe et pensée chez les Grecs: Etudes de psychologie historique. 2nd ed., revised and augmented. Paris. The English-language version, Myth and Thought among the Greeks (London 1983), is based on the 1st edition (Paris 1965), and needs to be updated. See 86–106 of the 1985 version, especially 100–106, on the Hesiodic myth of the five generations of humankind.

Vodoklys, E. J. 1992. Blame-Expression in the Epic Tradition. New York.

Watkins, C. 1977. “A propos de ΜΗΝΙΣ.” Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 72: 187–209. Repr. in Watkins 1994. See now Muellner 1996.

———. 1994. Selected Writings. 2 vols. Ed. L. Oliver. Innsbruck.

———. 1995. How to Kill a Dragon: Aspects of Indo-European Poetics. Oxford. See 173: “Nagy in numerous publications (1974, 1979, 1990b) has rightly focused on the importance of distinguishing the synchronic and the diachronic in the study of formulas.”

West, M. L. 1990. “Archaische Heldendichtung: Singen und Schreiben.” In Der Übergang von der Mündlichkeit zur Literatur bei den Griechen, ed. W. Kullmann and M. Reichel, 33–50. Tübingen.

Wills, L. M. 1997. The Quest of the Historical Gospel: Mark, John, and the Origins of the Gospel Genre. London. See 27–30 on Aesop; 35–36, 45 on god-hero antagonism.

Wilson, D. F. 1997. “The Politics of Compensation in the Homeric Iliad.” PhD diss., University of Texas at Austin. She argues persuasively that Achilles does not actually accept Agamemnon’s offer in Iliad XIX. Accordingly, I have adjusted my wording at Ch.7§§15 and 19.